Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Policy Register
Finding a Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Policy, Procedure or Guidance Note
The aim of this site is to provide a repository for University policies. A University policy is defined as one with broad application throughout the University, that helps ensure coordinated compliance with applicable laws and regulations; promotes operational efficiencies; enhances the University’s mission; and reduces institutional risk. This site includes Policies, Procedures, and other associated documentation approved by Council or by delegated authorities, such as Guidelines, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Frameworks, Standards, and Schemes. Many important College, School, Department or Central Service policies serve similar purposes but are unit-specific and are not included on this site.
The University’s Colleges, Schools, Departments, or Central Services should link to this site rather than create their own pages with University policies. This will help ensure that everyone in the University is referencing the most current versions of policies.
This online centralised repository for institutional policies, procedures, and associated metadata:
- facilitates easy access to key documents for staff and students;
- ensures version control; and facilitates monitoring and review of key documents;
- is a tool for quality assurance – institutional approval and legislative compliance;
- assists with internal and external auditing requirements e.g. the (QAA), the (HEFCW);
- and is a key benefit for Freedom of Information compliance.
Policy Development Framework
This Policy Development Framework sets clear expectations in relation to policy-writing at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï, and creates a common approach to the development, implementation, and management of all Îá°®³Ô¹Ï policies. Policy owners and writers are encouraged to use the Framework, and the template included, both for existing and new policies. Guidance can be obtained from Colin Ridyard in Governance Services.
If you are aware of a University Policy, Procedure or Guidance Note that is not currently included in the Register, please contact Colin Ridyard in Governance Services: mhsa08@bangor.ac.uk.